Occlusal mouth guards for treating bruxism and TMJ

Bruxism (also called clenching or grinding) is a destructive oral habit that wears down teeth, leading to sensitivity, cracked teeth, TMJ (temporomandibular joint) pain, possible root canals or even tooth loss.

Restore Dental can fabricate custom occlusal guards (night guards) on your upper or lower jaw to eliminate the damage caused by bruxism or teeth clenching and grinding. Patients with TMJ issues may also experience relief by wearing an occlusal mouth guard or splint.

This treatment consists of a simple one minute impression to fabricate your custom occlusal mouth guard. Patients report that the appliance is comfortable and relatively easy to get used to leading to higher compliance, achieving the goal of sparing your teeth from the destructive forces caused by bruxism.

Occlusal guard options for teeth clenching and grinding or TMJ pain

We offer several options for mouth guards depending on patient needs. Our most popular appliance is the hard/soft occlusal night guard. Patients report this as being very comfortable and easy to get used to. We also fabricate soft occlusal guards as well as hard guards, depending on the intensity level of the patient’s bruxism.

Please call today for a consultation to review your occlusal guard needs.

“Dr. Fama made me an occlusal guard and I love it! I can’t get to sleep without it in my mouth and I have less tooth sensitivity and discomfort since I have been wearing it. I would recommend this appliance to anyone that grinds their teeth.” –Andrea C.